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Local businesses or restaurants are invited to get the words out, show case your brand and products with an ad space on ATX Asian Food Fest food guide and program booklet.
A full festival day with family and
central Texas, Austin area:
Mueller Branch Park Pavilion
2202 Aldrich St. Austin, TX. 78723
SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 2024. 11:00am-9:00pm
*Please email ad page, artwork to AtxAsianFoodFest@gmail.com and send in payment before April 1st to ensure ad printing.
​*Check payable to:
Open Eyes Beyond Border
(Mailing address: 10416 Roy Butler Dr. Austin, TX. 78717)
*ZELLE to Open Eyes Beyond Border at email: openeyesbb@gmai.com
*VENMO to Open Eyes at openeyesbb
(Need help? Please call our team member at 628.217.3587 & 737.704.5373)